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When building ponds, think of several things: art, structure & clarity.

Lack of water clarity is ugly. Our structure are long term. 

Ecosystem is how nature makes the pond work.

Fish excrete waste into the water in the form of ammonia.

Adding to the problem are organic compounds from plant as well as the environment.

To create a spectacular environment waste removal must be provided. 

The methods used in the ornamental ponds are mechanical filtration systems

(skimmer, waterfall boxes & pressure backwash units). 

Mechanical filters that remove solids from the pond by trapping the debris in.

Our special backwash tanks work the very best.

 Bio filtration remove toxins from a pond by breaking down ammonia into nitrite and then into nitrate.

This is done by seeding the pond with a Biological Clarifiers and naturally occurring bacteria. 

And one of the best ways is to fully rock the pond which provides a very efficient place for the positive bacteria to live and thrive.

In a biological filter this place is a material on which the bacteria is exposed to large quantities of food and oxygen.  The nitrates that result after the breakdown of ammonia and nitrites are food for the plants or food for the algae if plants are not available.

If you keep fish and no plants you may need to do partial water changes to remove the nitrates and other organic compounds from the water. If you keep sufficient plants about 1/3 of pond area,  water changes are usually unnecessary although small water changes can be beneficial in some ponds.

In Florida this is not a biggie because of evaporation.

  The use of an ultraviolet sterilizer device uses a UV lamp that is placed in a pipe to allow water to pass all around and will give a near 99% reduction in algae when properly sized to the pond.  However an ultraviolet sterilizer should not be used without adequate biological filtration as the dead algae still needs to be broken down by the filter. UV will not help with string algae, for this I recommend our ClarifierPlus. There are many types of algae.  The green velvet type that grows on the sides of the pond is a very beneficial type of algae providing oxygen and food for fish.  Always use biological filtration with skimmer if possible.


Fish come in many sizes and in many colors. Carp (koi), goldfish, comets, shubunkins are used as ornamental fish.  Koi and Gold fish are the most common used in backyard ponds. Tilapia make for a great farming fish here in Florida. It is very Important to understanding shade and water temp.


Plants are the most important part of any ecosystem.Plants soften the rocks as well as bring great beauty to the landscape around any feature. Well placed trees help control sun, shade and air flow. The correct plants will help balance a pond, patio or just as decoration around a home, where as improper plants create Big problems. Proper filtration is a must with all our water systems for continued success. 


Dragonflies play significant part of Wetland wildlife. They are also very important in its general ecology. Butterflies Most adult butterflies found in Florida feed on flower nectar. Some visit a variety of flowers and others seem to prefer a more specialized menu. Butterflies generally are attracted to brightly colored simple flowers that are not too deep and that are wide enough for good perching platforms.  


Any shelled reptile can be called a turtle, There are about 270 living species of turtles, which are grouped into families.


Frogs may be found anywhere in the world (excluding Antarctica), although most frogs are found in the tropics. If you're looking for a frog, probably the best time to look is at night with a strong light - when you shine it on the eyes of a frog you'll see a little red flash. 


There are a number of snakes in natural Florida varying from water snakes to rattle snakes.  In 25 years I have only seen one water moccasin and it left us alone while we cleaned the pond in Sarasota Fl... But I have seen Poisonous snake around,  Pygmy rattlers, copperheads out in the wild, the coral snake is often mixed up with a similar looker, and domestic pythons are growing in big numbers and size. 

Black snakes are a big plus and will help keep other snakes away.


When a pond is first constructed there is usually a rush to fill it up with fish and plants, but it is important to consider the natural process of a pond. In nature a pond has a period of time for all the components to adjust and interact. Although algae in a pond is to be expected most pond owners want to keep it to a minimum. A constructed pond requires help in order to avoid problems with excess algae.

Rule of thumb is to use no more than one  fish per 5sq. ft. of surface area initially. 

Feed only what the fish can eat in 1 minutes. Uneaten food feeds algae and brown water.


Every day, thousands of homeowners are returning home to a little paradise... their own back yard!  

Using a technique called Escape Therapy® we can increase property value and bring a beautiful change into your lives.

By creating beautiful water features, pathways, pergolas, decks, stone walling and more.

There are many types of garden styles, like native, English, butterfly, edible, tropical and others, the experience of joy can always be found if properly designed. Success to designing an area one must consider the whole environment.

Wind, Rain, Sun, Temps., Creatures and traffic play a big part of the results.

We look hard at all of this to bring you your vision of Paradise with the least maintenance.




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